What? You can really achieve a New Year’s Goal

Kristina God swears you can (but I’m not so sure)

MarkfromBoston 🌻Ukraine
2 min readJan 3, 2022
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

The Challenge:

Kristina God just wrote a bold new article (see below after reading) on goal-setting and I wanted to test her thesis. She states that you can increase your odds of success by 42% by simply doing just one thing — simply writing your goal down! So there are a lot of claims made on Medium as we all know, let’s see if Kristina’s works. I mean, she is a great writer and coach, so what do I have to lose?

Let’s try this out:

My goal from January 3rd, 2022 to January 31st, 2022 is to publish on Medium on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week come hell and high water.

That’s it. Simple. Straight forward.

I’ve published 21 articles in two months of writing, so this would increase my output almost two-fold. And the Medium algorithm will totally love and hug me and I will receive the Writer of the Year award and I will win a free trip to Hawaii, and my readers will all come and visit me, and… Oops, I may be digressing.

How will I know that I accomplished my goal?

I will check my publication dates on Medium on February 1st, 2022, and report back the results to my readers and share them with Kristina.



MarkfromBoston 🌻Ukraine

I share insightful stories that build community. The Medium tribe writing tribe is my family. My goal is to meet 10 new people per month around the world.