Thank you. Yes, you made some good points and I pride myself on preserving my important relationships first before expressing my opinion. Especially you as an important Medium colleague! I am so grateful for this community.
I emphasize with all people who have been abused or treated very unfairly. I have my own lived experience.
My suggestion for leaders of all causes is to always attempt to suggest on how we can help. My best example I recall was around the time of the Million Man March. President Obama won me over in a heartbeat when he applauded the March and how the group was taking action despite chronic racism against them. He then added as 'men and fathers,' "We still all have to do better taking care of our families, myself included."
I was blown away.
Today it seems we never hear this part.
I pray that this be an example for all leaders of all causes. When people of tragic circumstances take some form of ownership it is perceived as a very brave act and outside ears tend to open instead of close. Right or left.
My next question after hearing is always: What have you done so far and how can I help?
Thanks for providing the space for this challenging discussion. Am following you.