Zoe Chew24 hours Startup: Build a Meal Kit Delivery Startup & Mobile App.Build a startup using Stripe, Google Sheets, Glide & CarrdMay 24, 20202May 24, 20202
InThe 100X LifebyEdwin J. FrondozoI launched 5 new websites over the holiday using CarrdWhy I launched and updated, five websites over the holiday using Carrd. It was sort of a Christmas gift to myself.Jan 10, 20221Jan 10, 20221
InCRE TechbyBill LewisCarrd — The Simplest Website Builder That You’ll Ever Use.Simple but frustrating question here?Apr 8, 2016Apr 8, 2016
Peter SchroederHere’s a guide — https://carrd.co/guides/using-a-custom-domainDec 8, 20171Dec 8, 20171
InThe Writing CooperativebyPaavanHow to Build a Free Writer’s Portfolio Website with CarrdFree to do and takes less than 15 minutesJul 28, 20215Jul 28, 20215
Web Designer DepotSimple responsive one-page sites using Carrd“Simple, free, fully responsive one-page sites for pretty much anything.” That’s the entire premise of Carrd, and it delivers in a big way.Apr 13, 20161Apr 13, 20161
InEntrepreneurship HandbookbyDave SchoolsCarrd: How to make $4k/mo from a side projectAnd advice on how to attract 38k caring Twitter followersMay 15, 20174May 15, 20174