Member-only story
I’m stuck in Writer's Block Hell but…
One way I’m getting out
I’m not a fan of the book, The Art of Not Giving a F%&K primarily because of its bad language. I agree with the book — however — that learning to let go is a cure for being stuck.
As I sit in the awkward season called pre-winter, I am trying to let go of my obsessive worry that no one will read my stuff. Wow, I feel better already.
But what are you going to do now, Mr. MarkfromBoston?
I’m writing a poem folks and I have no idea how.
But in the spirit of letting go, I’m doing it anyway. Please hide these words from anyone who knows better, especially your writing companions like your favorite cat or dog.
You’ve been warned, ok?
I’m in a writer's block
Seems too hard to explain
I’ve had a wonderful summer
The US, Portugal, and Spain
I’m in a writer’s block
Just put a few words on a page
Imagine them as pictures