I really like how you went beyond just identifying the problems but gave positive suggestions. And me being a mere mortal, one house in the Hollywood Hills and another in Malibu and I'm happy for life. Johnny boy owns his own island and stillnneeds to be constantly medicated. Still his life don't suck. He rocks with freaking Jeff Beck (behind only Clapton and Hendrix of best guitarists ever). He counts as friends the late Tom Petty, Alice Cooper, and Joe Perry. And even Marilyn Manson.
His mistakes were also letting go of the sweetest, sexy French woman and woman in Vanessa Paridis. And all his exes back him up! And oh yea, he gets to be a mega movie star again.
It's a miracle the drugs/alcohil didnt kill him. They still may.
But my God, what an amazing life despite the flaws. I loved how Isaac, Johnny artist friend, first complimented Amber on how gracious she was always when he saw her passing by. And prayed that she would move on with her life. He literally weeped for how Johnny's career and family had been destroyed by this 15 month mutual fiasco.
Thanks again for your constructive article. Am following you!