I like what you say about lifestyle but Spain has a modern capital economy. 12 percent unemployment is more sustainable in a lower cost of living country, but a couple points higher and people will be hungry and angry. This has already started in Madrid and Barcelona. I like your bold moving, but please don't throw us good people in the US under the bus who are trying to build better communities. And to help the impoverished coming to America to take advantage of the jobs and companies we have built here. There is no country in the world where you can open, start and fund business faster than America. And like it or not the US military defends the Iberian Peninsula saving Spain and Portugal billions.
So enjoy the siesta. I may be joining you.
But remember people have fought and died for your freedom of finding a more balanced life. A short trip over to the American cemetery near Normandy is a good reminder of the good life we have.
Despite the problems of the US political system, I'm never more prouder of being an American than when I travel overseas.