Hi Janice. Needed to read this today. Plot of your real life story from my eyes:
1. Death of your mother
2. Should you put a dream in action despite where you were in life?
3. Had an easy option, move back to a nice cabin and be close to family.
4. Did not take the easy out!
5. Booked ticket 3 months in advance
6. Decided on what part of France
7. Freaked out 30 days to deadline but pushed through
8. Best decision ever
9. The chaos was worth it in the end.
10. Shared story with other dreamers.
I think #3 would have killed the dream for most of us.
And doing this alone, would have taken all the rest.
Can't wait to read more. I need to give myself a break for not having it all together as I approach retirement. Thank you!